September, 2020, Prague

Introducing: Nigh Shift. A series of conversations with friends. An exploration of what makes the night special and what purpose do objects have in a creative process of everyone who enjoys the night shift. In the first interview, we introduce you our founder Jakub Pollág.

Night or day?

I find myself more creative after the dusk. After the whole day of work, it might be also the tiredness that gets you into the more fearless state. It’s calm, nobody calls, nobody emails, the studio is empty. It is a great time to focus on the important.

Things you can’t work without?

For fast visits of manufacturers and overlooking ongoing project my motorbike is crucial. Most essential though would be the technology in general. Huge amount of our process is done in house. We create and process in digital world but we use our prototype workshop massively too. 3D printers are running pretty much 24/7. It gives us greater control and precision.

What starts your creative process?

I like to spend the first half an hour having a fresh look at the prototypes and work from the day before. I am a problem solver so a lot of times inspiration bursts with a need of resolving an issue or finding completely new route.


in this story:

steps glass

wave vase sand


Elle Decoration International Design Awards


Behind the scenes: solid bar